Thursday, January 29, 2009

Puppies and Children--Critical Care Issue

If you are considering a puppy for your family several issues need to be addressed. If puppies and children are not socialized with each other, large pitfalls loom in the future.
Socializing a puppy is not complicated; it simply involves short supervised play sessions with the children two or three times a day from the time the puppy is weaned from its mother.

I would not recommend bringing a puppy into a home with children under the age of two without a plan for serious socializing. These children are usually too young to grasp the concepts of sharing, being gentle and the difference between the puppy's playful and threatening behaviors. Puppys under the age of twelve weeks rarely will threaten anyone, except in the context of play, but a mindless nip with needle sharp teeth can send a toddler screaming for help and seriously hamper its relationship with the pet.

By the time a child is three they understand that play is a two way street, that puppys are helpless creatures and that

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