Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dog lover's link

This is darling... it's a video where the dog follows your commands! Try typing sit, roll over, down, stand, sing, dance, shake, fetch, play dead, sneeze and (keep this until last) kiss. Even my dogs loved it!

Puppy Daze

Pups are up and running...playing...challenging...tossling and creating mischief! So much fun to watch that little else gets done. They are four weeks old and little personalities are beginning to take shape.

You can see all my photos on my photo page link below:

Puppy Daze

Puppy personalities are beginning to develop as they play, challenge, tussle and turn. Like toddlers, this is when they become incredibly fun to watch that little work gets done!

Enjoy the photo updates!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a handful!

Puppies continue to grow...they tend to do that! Getting ready to start them on some Goat's Milk with mashed kibble. Also got some small beef bones but I have to wait until they have bigger teeth. Anyway, wanted to share some photos. One is Kane meeting Meora for the first time. Then we have a group photo and finally one Phoebe and Meora patiently waiting to be allowed into the puppy room. Still hasn't happened!

Monday, October 20, 2008

The puppies are getting s0-o-o-o strong. Now when Emily steps into the whelping box they all stand up on their back legs to nurse. They just about knock her over. And I continue to be delighted by their sounds. To hear these little creatures explore their new world with barks, petite growls and gurbles is so endearing. Pretty soon they will have out grown their whelping box and a whole new world awaits them!

Monday, October 13, 2008

And Then There Was Light!

Puppies eyes opened today. They can't see much yet...just foggy shadows but they are moving around a lot. Lots of new noices, too.

The first two photos are of bath time.

See if you can find eight tails in the last one!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Getting mobile

Puppies are growing by leaps and bounds. They are getting stronger too. Not quite strong enough to walk but strong enough to stand up which means after a couple seconds they tip over and they are so fat they actually roll over like a bowl full of jelly beans rolling down a hill. It is very cute. Making lots of sounds too. Some seem rather insolent, others pleading or just plain satisfied with life...what's not to like?

More photos tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Puppy Yin and Yang

Puppies are growing by leaps and bounds. Today when I weighed them every thing went smoothly until I weighed the two who are getting goat milk supplements. Their mouths began to work and their little tongues wiggled as they frantically searched for the bottle. Of course their eyes aren't open yet so they knew from my scent that I was their second source of nourishment.

Now I know to feed them first, then weigh them, then subract the weight of the milk they drank to come up with their noon time weight.

It is such a good feeling to be recognized!

Here are new photos as well. I call them 'Puppy Yin and Yang'!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day Five

Emily's third litter arrived early on the morning of September 30, three days early. She whelped eight healthy pups, 2 girls, 6 boys, 4 tri colors and 4 black & white. Emily is a very attentive mother and has again shunned Meora, a female from her first litter. This, of course, has Meora in total disarray but if history repeats itself Emily will let down her guard soon and in three weeks time will be happy to turn over some of the puppy duties to Meora. Meora was a wonderful aunt for our second litter, loved to play with all of them.

All the pups arrived weighing more than any of the pups from our second litter. The eighth pup arrived two hours after the seventh was born and is a bit smaller than the others. While he is doing OK his weight gain is not as good as the others so I have begun supplementing with goat's milk which he is scarfing down.

The first photo above is of Emily with Strider, the DuPrarie Farms male who sired this litter.
The second photo is of the pups at 4 hours does not include our little straggler!