Monday, October 20, 2008

The puppies are getting s0-o-o-o strong. Now when Emily steps into the whelping box they all stand up on their back legs to nurse. They just about knock her over. And I continue to be delighted by their sounds. To hear these little creatures explore their new world with barks, petite growls and gurbles is so endearing. Pretty soon they will have out grown their whelping box and a whole new world awaits them!


biblionut said...

Love your new dog blog, Jacqui! Bathtime pictures are so cute!:-) Emily seems like a wonderful mom -I am sad I have to wait a whole 'nother year - sigh... that I know you have a blog I will be keeping watch ;-)
Have fun with the cuties, they grow up SO fast!

Cindy Carlson

Jacqueline Carney said...

Thanks Cindy and enjoy!